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Links to Explore
National & International Organizations:

ATA-American Tapestry Alliance, 
ASG-American Sewing Guild, 
CW-Complex Weavers 
HGA-Handweavers Guild of America, 
MAFA-Mid Atlantic Fiber Association 
NEWS-New England Weaver’s Seminars
OIDFA-The International Bobbin and Needle Lace Organization
IOLI – The International Organization of Lace, Inc
SDA-Surface Design Association
WSD-Association of Guilds of Weavers, Spinners, Dyers, United Kingdom 
IFA- International Feltmaker’s Association
Northeast Feltmaker's Guild


Complex Weaver’s Journal
Fiber Art Now
Heddlecraft Magazine digital
Selvedge Magazine 
Shuttle, Spindle, & Dyepot 
The Surface Design Journal 
Weaver's Craft

Favorite Digital Tools to Bookmark on Your Browser:

Tim's Treadle reducer 
Laura Fry's site Tutorials and efficient weaving suggestions  A copyright-free archive of more than 58,000 drafts + books by subscription, $4.50 / month or $25 / year
University of Arizona's "Digital Archive of Documents on Weaving and Other Topics" 
Reed/Sett Substitution Chart 
Interweave Press Master Yarn Chart/sett guide


Digital Communities:


Susquehanna Valley Spinners and Weavers Guild Facebook Group

Bloggers (a web-based journal, updated regularly)

-Alice Schlein, 
-Daryl Lancaster, 
-Jenny Dean, 
-Laura Fry, 
-Sandra Rude, 
-Tien Chiu, 
-Tommye Scanlon,
-Jerri Shankler's Angora Rabbit Spike,      all about weaving and spinning

Digital/Online Publications:

WeaveZine archives 
WeaveCast archives (podcasts, like a radio-show broadcast over the Internet)

Local & Regional Places to Study Weaving:

Peter’s Valley Craft Center, Layton, NJ 
The Fashion Institute of Technology, NYC 
Red Stone Glen, York County, PA
The Spinnery, Frenchtown, NJ 
Vävstuga, Shelburne Falls, MA 
WEBS, Northampton, MA

National Places to Study Weaving:

AVL, Chico, CA 
Española Valley Fiber Arts Center, Española, NM
Eugene Textile Center 
Fiber Factory, Mesa AZ 
Halcyon Yarn, Bath, ME 
Harrisville Designs, Harrisville, NH 
Haystack Mountain School of Crafts, Deer Isle, ME 
Haywood Community College, Clyde, NC 
John Campbell Folk School, Brasstown, NC 
Penland School of Crafts, Penland, NC 
Ruthies Weaving Studio, Portland, OR 
Santa Fe School of Weaving, Santa Fe, NM 
Sievers School of Fiber Arts, Door County, WI 
Textile Center of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN 
The Weavers School, Whidbey Island, WA 
Yadkin Valley Fiber Room, Yadkinville, NC 
Yarn Barn, Lawrence, KS

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